Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 21 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC10657]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Garden of Eden, paradise (Iconclass:71A321)
Vegetable Lamb of Tartary (Agnus scythicus; Planta Tartarica Barometz) (Iconclass:25GG4(VEGETABLE LAMB OF TARTARY))
[F264] Title page (scholarly work)
[IcoC9079]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115)
Putto (Iconclass:92D1916)
[N29] Calling of St Matthew[F53] Feast of St Matthew the Apostle (21 September)
[IcoC9077]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Caritas (Iconclass:11M33)
Fides (Iconclass:11M31)
Fortitudo (Iconclass:11M43)
Temperantia (Iconclass:11M42)
[F265] Title page (varia)
[IcoC1555]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
[IcoC3784]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Building of the Tower of Babel (Iconclass:71B421)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
Enthroned ruler (Iconclass:44BB1212)
Moses breaking the tables of the law (Iconclass:71E13541)
Moses receiving the tables of the law from God (Iconclass:71E1343)
Noah's ark (Iconclass:71B33111)
[F179] Bielski's Chronicle
[IcoC541]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Building of the Tower of Babel (Iconclass:71B421)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
Enthroned ruler (Iconclass:44BB1212)
Moses breaking the tables of the law (Iconclass:71E13541)
Moses receiving the tables of the law from God (Iconclass:71E1343)
Noah's ark (Iconclass:71B33111)
[F192] Title page (postil or sermons)
[IcoC5146]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Putto (Iconclass:92D1916)
[F265] Title page (varia)
[IcoC1355]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Building of the Tower of Babel (Iconclass:71B421)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
Moses breaking the tables of the law (Iconclass:71E13541)
Moses receiving the tables of the law from God (Iconclass:71E1343)
Noah's ark (Iconclass:71B33111)
[F265] Title page (varia)
[IcoC1853]Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE))
Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (Iconclass:61B2(CHARLES V HABSBURG))
David (Iconclass:11I62(DAVID))
Ezekiel (Iconclass:11I62(EZEKIEL))
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES))
Noah (Iconclass:11I62(NOAH))
Philip II of Spain (Iconclass:61B2(PHILIP II OF SPAIN))
St John the Baptist (Iconclass:11H(JOHN THE BAPTIST))
Titian (Iconclass:61B2(TITIAN))
Virgin Mary (Iconclass:11F)