[IcoC2948] | Arma Christi (the instruments of the Passion) (Iconclass:73D81) Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T)) Man of Sorrows (Iconclass:73D73) Mater Dolorosa (Iconclass:11F25) Pensive Christ (Iconclass:73D52) | [N5] Te igitur prayer | [F61] Canon of the mass | | 1 |
[IcoC5615] | Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D)) Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC6699] | Face (Iconclass:31A2211) Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter Q (Iconclass:49L12(Q)) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC5854] | Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5) Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter R (Iconclass:49L12(R)) | | | | 3 |
[IcoC5794] | Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171) Letter M (Iconclass:49L12(M)) St Andrew (Iconclass:11H(ANDREW)) | | | | 2 |