[IcoC8063] | David escaping through a window with the help of Michal (Iconclass:71H1632) Saul casting his spear at David (Iconclass:71H153) | | | | 2 |
[IcoC4131] | David and Jonathan embracing; David's leave-taking from Jonathan (Iconclass:71H1733) David escaping through a window with the help of Michal (Iconclass:71H1632) David victorious in several wars against the Philistines and other enemies (Iconclass:71H152) Jonathan shooting the arrow (Iconclass:71H1731) Saul casting his spear at David (Iconclass:71H153) | | [F202] I Samuel (I Reigns) | | 1 |
[IcoC4130] | David escaping through a window with the help of Michal (Iconclass:71H1632) Saul casting his spear at David (Iconclass:71H153) | | [F202] I Samuel (I Reigns) | | 4 |
[IcoC312] | David and Jonathan embracing; David's leave-taking from Jonathan (Iconclass:71H1733) David victorious in several wars against the Philistines and other enemies (Iconclass:71H152) Jonathan shooting the arrow (Iconclass:71H1731) Saul casting his spear at David (Iconclass:71H153) | | [F202] I Samuel (I Reigns) | | 7 |