[IcoC13125] | Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | [N126] Healing of a man with dropsy | [F89] 17th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC10963] | Dragon (Iconclass:25FF422) Fighting (Iconclass:33B3) Letter S (Iconclass:49L12(S)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Putto (Iconclass:92D1916) | | | | 3 |
[IcoC13086] | Letter W (Iconclass:49L12(W)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Putto (Iconclass:92D1916) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC13085] | Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B) Letter B (Iconclass:49L12(B)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC13084] | Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B) Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC13083] | Insects (Iconclass:25F711) Letter N (Iconclass:49L12(N)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC13082] | Letter C (Iconclass:49L12(C)) Łodzia coat of arms with episcopal mitre Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC5514] | Letter P (Iconclass:49L12(P)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) University lecture (Iconclass:49B421) | | | | 2 |
[IcoC12792] | Drunkenness of Noah (Iconclass:71B352) Letter N (Iconclass:49L12(N)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC12787] | Celebration of the first Passover (Iconclass:71E117313) Letter I (Iconclass:49L12(I)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | | | | 4 |
[IcoC4225] | Giving (Iconclass:55C2) Jan Herburt (Iconclass:61B2(HERBURT, JAN)) Kneeling figure (Iconclass:31A233) Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Sigismund II Augustus of Poland (Iconclass:61B2(SIGISMUND II AUGUSTUS OF POLAND)) | | | | 3 |
[IcoC11501] | Letter A (Iconclass:49L12(A)) Parable of the unmerciful servant (Iconclass:73C832) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Prisoner in fetters (Iconclass:44G312) | [N177] Parable of the unmerciful servant | [F94] 22nd Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC12550] | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242) Letter C (Iconclass:49L12(C)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Procession ~ Christian religion (Iconclass:11Q758) | | [F110] Feast of Corpus Christi | | 1 |
[IcoC11930] | Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242) Letter C (Iconclass:49L12(C)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Procession ~ Christian religion (Iconclass:11Q758) | | [F182] Hortulus animae | | 1 |
[IcoC12472] | Crucified Christ with other persons than John, Mary, Mary Magdalene or soldiers (Iconclass:73D646) Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T)) Other types of crucified Christ in non-narrative context (Iconclass:11D36) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Saints Peter and Paul | | | | 1 |
[IcoC12394] | Letter P (Iconclass:49L12(P)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) St Paul of Tarsus (Iconclass:11H(PAUL)) | | [F241] Epistle to the Romans | | 1 |
[IcoC11737] | Crucifixion (Iconclass:73D6) Letter T (Iconclass:49L12(T)) Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) Ten commandments represented together on stone tablets (Iconclass:11L211) Virgin Mary (Iconclass:11F) | | | | 1 |
[IcoC11518] | Christ and Nicodemus (Iconclass:73C7216) Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D)) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | [N202] Parable of the Pharisee and the publican | [F83] 11th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC11517] | Letter I (Iconclass:49L12(I)) Pharisees or Sadducees opposing Christ (Iconclass:73C7247) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | [N19] The greatest commandment | [F90] 18th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC11510] | Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D)) Parable of the wedding banquet (Iconclass:73C863) Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413) | [N145] Parable of the wedding banquet | [F92] 20th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |