Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 64 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC11076]Creation of birds and fishes (Iconclass:71A251)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Creation of sun, moon and stars (Iconclass:71A24)
Creation of the animals (Iconclass:71A25)
Creation of the firmament and division of the waters above and below it (Iconclass:71A22)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
Creation of vegetation (Iconclass:71A231)
[F173] Genesis
[IcoC11350]Albert, Duke of Prussia (Iconclass:61B2(ALBERT OF PRUSSIA))
Brown bear (Ursus arctos) (Iconclass:25F23(BROWN BEAR))
Cat (Felis catus) (Iconclass:34B12(CAT))
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141)
Labours of Adam and Eve (Iconclass:71A7)
Lion (Panthera leo) (Iconclass:25F23(LION))
Red deer (Cervus elaphus) (Iconclass:25F24(RED DEER))
Squirrel (Sciurus) (Iconclass:25F26(SQUIRREL))
Unicorn (Iconclass:25FF241)
[IcoC10218]Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Cervidae (Iconclass:25F24)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Musical instruments (Iconclass:48C73)
Rabbit (Cuniculus) (Iconclass:25F26(RABBIT))
Singing of psalms, hymns (Iconclass:11Q52)
Wind as a human face, blowing with rounded cheeks (Iconclass:26C6)
[F173] Genesis
[IcoC10207]Creation of Adam (Iconclass:71A31)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
[F173] Genesis
[IcoC10127]Adam and Eve hide from God (Iconclass:71A522)
Creation of Adam (Iconclass:71A31)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Creation of sun, moon and stars (Iconclass:71A24)
Creation of the firmament and division of the waters above and below it (Iconclass:71A22)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
Creation of vegetation (Iconclass:71A231)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
Labours of Adam and Eve (Iconclass:71A7)
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[F172] Title page (Bible or part of)
[IcoC1291]Animals (Animalia) (Iconclass:25F)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
[F353] Gessner's Historia animalium or Icones, or Topsell
[IcoC9905]Animals (Animalia) (Iconclass:25F)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
[F173] Genesis
[IcoC7840]Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242)
Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood (Iconclass:73D641)
Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
Flood (Genesis) (Iconclass:71B33)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES))
Risen Christ triumphant over death, sin, evil and Satan
St Peter (Iconclass:11H(PETER))
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[F172] Title page (Bible or part of)
[IcoC8948]Aaron and his four sons ordained by Moses (Iconclass:71E21)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (Iconclass:11Q73242)
Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crucified Christ with Mary and John on either side of the cross; Holy Rood (Iconclass:73D641)
Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
Flood (Genesis) (Iconclass:71B33)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES))
Risen Christ triumphant over death, sin, evil and Satan
St Peter (Iconclass:11H(PETER))
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[IcoC8509]Adam engaged in agricultural activities, Eve suckling the children (Iconclass:71A722)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Expulsion from Paradise (Iconclass:71A6)
Temptation and Fall (Iconclass:71A4)
[F284] Title page (catechism)
[IcoC7994]Creation of birds and fishes (Iconclass:71A251)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Creation of land-animals (Iconclass:71A252)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
[IcoC7993]Creation of birds and fishes (Iconclass:71A251)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Creation of land-animals (Iconclass:71A252)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
[F114] Credo (1st article)
[IcoC7753]Caterpillar (Iconclass:25F711)
Clover (Trifolium) (Iconclass:25G4(CLOVER))
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crown - corona clausa (Iconclass:44B191(CORONA CLAUSA))
Plants and herbs (Iconclass:25G4)
[IcoC7703]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Crown - corona clausa (Iconclass:44B191(CORONA CLAUSA))
[IcoC2884]Creation of birds and fishes (Iconclass:71A251)
Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)
Creation of land-animals (Iconclass:71A252)
Creation of the world (the six days of creation) (Iconclass:71A2)
God warning Adam and Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Iconclass:71A354)
[F173] Genesis
[IcoC4024]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)[F73] Luther's Passional
[IcoC3877]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)[F179] Bielski's Chronicle
[IcoC3568]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)[F173] Genesis
[IcoC1800]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)[F114] Credo (1st article)
[IcoC265]Creation of Eve (Iconclass:71A34)