[IcoC8605] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | | [F11] 2nd Sunday after Easter | | 1 |
[IcoC7723] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) Parable of the good shepherd (Iconclass:73C821) | | | | |
[IcoC7446] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | | [F115] Credo (2nd article) | | 1 |
[IcoC5492] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | | [F161] Sacraments (Penance) | | 1 |
[IcoC2018] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | | | | 11 |
[IcoC263] | Adoration of the shepherds (Iconclass:73B25) Allegory of Law and Grace (Iconclass:11L14) Baptism of Christ (Iconclass:73C121) Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24) Moses (Iconclass:11I62(MOSES)) | | [F172] Title page (Bible or part of) | | 2 |
[IcoC5680] | Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | [N98] Parable of the lost sheep | [F76] 3rd Sunday after Trinity | | 5 |
[IcoC1857] | Christ as teacher (Iconclass:73C7 ;73C8) Christ the Good Shepherd (Iconclass:11D3271) | [N98] Parable of the lost sheep | [F76] 3rd Sunday after Trinity | | 7 |