[IcoC9055] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261) | | [F294] Haur's agricultural handbooks | | 1 |
[IcoC9079] | Adam and Eve (Iconclass:11I62(ADAM & EVE)) Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) Putto (Iconclass:92D1916) | [N29] Calling of St Matthew | [F53] Feast of St Matthew the Apostle (21 September) | | 1 |
[IcoC8976] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261) | [N145] Parable of the wedding banquet | [F92] 20th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC8848] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261) | [N100] Christ instructing the disciples on reconciliation | [F14] 6th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC8994] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) Christ dining with tax collectors (Iconclass:73C7261) | [N29] Calling of St Matthew | [F53] Feast of St Matthew the Apostle (21 September) | | 4 |
[IcoC3621] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 5 |
[IcoC3610] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | | [F183] Gospel of Mark | | 2 |
[IcoC758] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | [N29] Calling of St Matthew | [F53] Feast of St Matthew the Apostle (21 September) | | 18 |
[IcoC200] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | | | | 2 |
[IcoC2212] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | | [F95] 23rd Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC3596] | Calling of Matthew (Levi) (Iconclass:73C7115) | | [F177] Gospel of Matthew | | 7 |