[IcoC193] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) | | | | 12 |
[IcoC853] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) Human-shaped devil (Iconclass:11K1) | | [F66] 3rd Sunday after Easter | | 1 |
[IcoC4210] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) | [N206] Christ discourse on the last things [Matthew 24] | [F97] 25th Sunday after Trinity | | 18 |
[IcoC215] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) | [N104] Christ's discourse on the last things [Luke] | [F15] 2nd Sunday of Advent | | 36 |
[IcoC4209] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) | [N60] Transfiguration of Christ [Matthew] | [F97] 25th Sunday after Trinity | | 1 |
[IcoC3632] | Christ's discourse on the last things (Iconclass:73C749) Last Judgment (Iconclass:11U) | | [F175] Gospel of Luke | | 9 |