Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 466 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC12483]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
[N18] Healing of a paralytic at Capernaum[F91] 19th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC12482]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F382] Tuesday after the 2nd Sunday of Lent
[IcoC12479]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F113] 6th Sunday after Epiphany
[IcoC12477]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F98] 26th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC12473]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
[F110] Feast of Corpus Christi
[IcoC1437]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F143] Pater noster (invocation)
[IcoC842]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
[F39] Feast of St Matthias (24 February)
[IcoC11519]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F33] Feast of St Nicholas (6 December)
[IcoC11507]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
Letter E (Iconclass:49L12(E))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N100] Christ instructing the disciples on reconciliation[F14] 6th Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC11506]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N98] Parable of the lost sheep[F76] 3rd Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC11505]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N170] Parable of the great banquet[F75] 2nd Sunday after Trinity
[IcoC11504]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
Letter E (Iconclass:49L12(E))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N16] Christ and Nicodemus[F13] Trinity Sunday
[IcoC11477]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
Letter D (Iconclass:49L12(D))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N57] In a little while you will see me no more...[F66] 3rd Sunday after Easter
[IcoC11476]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
Good shepherd defending his sheep against wolves (Iconclass:73C821)
Utilitarian, public pump or water fountain (Iconclass:44E14)
[N187] I am the good shepherd...[F11] 2nd Sunday after Easter
[IcoC11453]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F3] Christmas (25 December)
[IcoC11106]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
St John the Baptist in prison sending two messengers (Iconclass:73C7251)
[F191] Life or passion of Christ
[IcoC10203]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[N212] Good shepherd and his sheep[F72] Tuesday after Pentecost
[IcoC10202]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)[F7] Holy Thursday
[IcoC10201]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father sending the dove of the Holy Ghost (Iconclass:73E51)
[F23] 5th Sunday after Epiphany
[IcoC10200]Christ explaining his doctrine to the apostles and disciples (Iconclass:73C721)
God the Father sending the dove of the Holy Ghost (Iconclass:73E51)
[N91] Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name...[F68] 5th Sunday after Easter