Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 14 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC9775]Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243)
Mattathias on his deathbed instructing his sons (Iconclass:71Z14)
[F213] I Maccabees
[IcoC8402]Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243)[F173] Genesis
[IcoC150]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Christ Child with the cross or arma Christi (Iconclass:11D233)
Coat of arms of Stanisław Hozjusz
Cross as a symbol of Christ (Iconclass:11D121)
Crucifixion (Iconclass:73D6)
Descensus ad inferos (Iconclass:73D9)
Dove of the Holy Ghost (Iconclass:11E1)
Ecclesia (Iconclass:11P11)
Elevation of the brazen serpent (Iconclass:71E3242)
Four cardinal virtues (Iconclass:11M4)
God the Father (Iconclass:11C)
Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243)
Manus Dei (Iconclass:11C12)
Prudentia (Prudence) (Iconclass:11M41)
Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1)
Three Theological Virtues (Iconclass:11M3)
[IcoC4571]Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243)
[IcoC2230]Jacob blessing his sons (Iconclass:71D243)[F179] Bielski's Chronicle