Iconographies (Classification of iconographic subjects, primarily relying on ICONCLASS)
Filter 216 Things
IcoC Iconography Narrative Functional context Caption Things
[IcoC11963]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Garland, wreath (Iconclass:25G4111)
Putto (Iconclass:92D1916)
Reichsadler (Imperial Eagle)
[IcoC11459]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Letter C (Iconclass:49L12(C))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N28] Adoration of the kings[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC11234]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Letter E (Iconclass:49L12(E))
Printed historiated initial (Iconclass:49M413)
[N278] Ecce advenit dominator[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC9139]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Angels (Iconclass:11G)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Assumption of Mary (Iconclass:73E77)
Christ among the Doctors (Iconclass:73B9)
Circumcision of Christ (Iconclass:73B3)
Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Flight into Egypt (Iconclass:73B641)
Holy Trinity (Iconclass:11B)
Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281)
Pentecost (Iconclass:73E5)
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Iconclass:73B4)
Raising of Lazarus (Iconclass:73C523)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
St Luke writing (Iconclass:11H(LUKE)12)
St Mark writing (Iconclass:11H(MARK)12)
St Matthew writing (Iconclass:11H(MATTHEW)12)
Symbols of the Four Evangelists (Iconclass:11I42)
Visitation (Iconclass:73A6)
[F192] Title page (postil or sermons)
[IcoC9013]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Annunciation to the shepherds (Iconclass:73B14)
Three Kings seeing a star (Iconclass:73B51)
[N28] Adoration of the kings[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC4083]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281)
[N28] Adoration of the kings[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC1835]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Arrest of Christ (Iconclass:73D314)
Ascension (Iconclass:73E42)
Christ collapsing under the cross (Iconclass:73D411)
Crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene (Iconclass:73D643)
Ecce homo (Iconclass:73D36)
Entry into Jerusalem (Iconclass:73D14)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281)
Pentecost (Iconclass:73E5)
Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
St Luke writing (Iconclass:11H(LUKE)12)
St Mark writing (Iconclass:11H(MARK)12)
St Matthew writing (Iconclass:11H(MATTHEW)12)
[F192] Title page (postil or sermons)
[IcoC5249]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Agony in the Garden (Iconclass:73D312)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Christ before Caiaphas (Iconclass:73D322)
Circumcision of Christ (Iconclass:73B3)
Crucified Christ with Mary, John, and Mary Magdalene (Iconclass:73D643)
Last Supper (Iconclass:73D24)
Multiplication of loaves and fishes (Iconclass:73C612)
Pilate washing his hands (Iconclass:73D3233)
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Iconclass:73B4)
Resurrection (Iconclass:73E1)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
St Luke writing (Iconclass:11H(LUKE)12)
St Mark writing (Iconclass:11H(MARK)12)
St Matthew writing (Iconclass:11H(MATTHEW)12)
[F51] Feast of the Assumption (15 August)
[IcoC1534]Adoration of the Christ-child (Iconclass:73B2)
Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Annunciation to Mary (Iconclass:73A5)
Assumption of Mary (Iconclass:73E77)
Christ among the Doctors (Iconclass:73B9)
Circumcision of Christ (Iconclass:73B3)
Coronation of the Virgin (Iconclass:73E79)
Flight into Egypt (Iconclass:73B641)
Ox and ass (Christ's birth) (Iconclass:73B281)
Pentecost (Iconclass:73E5)
Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Iconclass:73B4)
Raising of Lazarus (Iconclass:73C523)
St John the Evangelist writing (Iconclass:11H(JOHN)12)
St Luke writing (Iconclass:11H(LUKE)12)
St Mark writing (Iconclass:11H(MARK)12)
St Matthew writing (Iconclass:11H(MATTHEW)12)
Visitation (Iconclass:73A6)
[F193] Title page (devotional literature)
[IcoC5626]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Historiated initial (Iconclass:49L171)
Letter E (Iconclass:49L12(E))
[N164] Ecce advenit prayer[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC4037]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F73] Luther's Passional
[IcoC3928]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F347] Salus animae
[IcoC2445]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F320] Prayers before communion
[IcoC3674]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F18] Epiphany (6 January)
[IcoC3672]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F193] Title page (devotional literature)
[IcoC2438]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F316] Vespers
[IcoC3670]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F182] Hortulus animae
[IcoC826]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[F3] Christmas (25 December)
[IcoC4084]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)
Camel (Iconclass:25F24(CAMEL))
Dog (Canis familiaris) (Iconclass:34B11)
Horse (Equus caballus) (Iconclass:46C13141)
Sigismund I of Poland (Iconclass:61B2(SIGISMUND I OF POLAND))
[IcoC218]Adoration of the kings (Iconclass:73B57)[N28] Adoration of the kings[F18] Epiphany (6 January)