Actors (Persons, groups, and corporations, both contemporary and historical)
ID Actor Type Role
[A3090]Johann Vogt (died 1625)personprinter
[A2351]Heinrich (I) Vogtherr (1490 - 1556)personauthor, blockcutter, illustrator, printer, printmaker
[A2165]David Voit (1529 - 1589)personcontributor
[A3067]Johann Friedrich Volckart (1750 - 1812)person
[A1983]Gaius Vibius Volusianus (Roman emperor) (ca 230 - August 253)personrepresented actor
[A1408]Lucas Vorsterman (1595 - 1675)personprintmaker
[A3056]Willem Vorsterman (died 1543)personprinter
[A591]Maarten de Vos (1532 - 4 December 1603)persondesigner, draughtsman
[A2096]Johannes Baptista Vrints (1552 - 1612)personprint publisher
[A2373]Carlo Vullietti (fl. 1596 - 1609)personprinter
[A1710]Vytautas (ca 1350 - 27 October 1430)personrepresented actor
[A1706]Vytenis (ca 1260 - ca 1316)personrepresented actor
[A2950]Piotr Wachenius (ca 1550 - ca 1612)person
[A130]Georg Wachter (died 1547)personprinter
[A1603]Wacław of Cracowpersonauthor
[A1285]Wacław of Szamotuły (ca 1520 - ca 1560)personcomposer
[A149]Christian Ulrich Wagner (1686 - 1763)personprinter
[A1992]Johann Wähinger (died in the early 16th c.)personprinter
[A441]Matthäus Waissel (ca 1540 - ca 1602)personauthor
[A206]Marek Walczakpersoneditor