Things (Material, inanimate objects, mostly works of art, both preserved and unpreserved)
ID Thing Type Category Technique Materials Function Image Width Height Depth Date description Date from Date to
[T84901]Gaius Iulius Caesar, The commentaries of Caesar, William Duncan (translator), London: Jacob (III) Tonson and Richard (II) Tonson (printer), 1753printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpresspaper
[T84868]William Camden, Britannia, London: 1607 (Lyon, Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpresspaper
[T84857]La gverre des svisses, Paris: l'Imprimerie royale (printer), 1651 (Washington, DC, Library of Congress)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexblack letterpresspaper
[T8141]Burkard Waldis, Ursprung vnd Herkommen der zwölff ersten alten König vnd Fürsten Deutscher Nation ..., Nuremberg: Hans Guldenmund (printer), 1543 (Munich, BSB)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexwoodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T84341]Philipp Clüver, Germaniae antiquae libri tres ... Adjectae sunt Vindelicia et Noricum, Leiden: Lowijs (I) Elzevier (printer), Officina Elzeviriana (printer), 1616 (London, Wellcome Collection)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpresspaper
[T84360]I commentari di C. Giulio Cesare : con le figure in rame, Venice: Pietro de' Franceschi (printer), 1575printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, woodcut, etching, black letterpresspaper
[T78692]Gaius Iulius Caesar, C. Julii Caesaris quae extant, London: Jacob (I) Tonson (printer), 1712 (San Fernando, Real Instituto y Observatorio de la Armada)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpresspaper
[T84565]Louis Hennepin, A new discovery of a vast country in America, extending above four thousand miles, between New France and New Mexico, London: Jacob (I) Tonson (publisher), 1698printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexetching, black letterpresspaper
[T84544]Aylett Sammes, Britannia antiqua illustrata, London: 1676 (Munich, BSB)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpress, red letterpresspaper
[T84321]Thomas Harriot, A briefe and true report of the new found land of Virginia: of the commodities and of the nature and manners of the naturall inhabitants., Frankfurt am Main: Johann Wechel (printer), 1590 (Washington, DC, Library of Congress)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, black letterpresspaper
[T82916]Histoire générale des voyages, vol. 15, Paris: Marguerite Didot (née Ravenel) (printer), 1759 (Washington, DC, Smithsonian Libraries)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexetching, black letterpress, red letterpresspaper
[T84472]Henry Ellis, A voyage to Hudson's-Bay: by the Dobbs Galley and California, in the years 1746 and 1747, London: 1748printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexblack letterpresspaper
[T84469]François du Creux, Historiae canadensis seu Novae-Franciae, Paris: 1664 (Prague, NK ČR)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexblack letterpresspaper
[T84454]Johannes De Laet, Novus orbis seu Descriptionis Indiae Occidentalis, libri XVIII, Leiden: Lowijs (II) Elzevier (printer), Officina Elzeviriana (printer), 1633printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexengraving, woodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T84449]Thomas Pennant, Arctic zoology, vol. 1, London: Henry Hughs (printer), 1784printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexblack letterpresspaper
[T84441]Francisco López de Gómara, La Historia General Delas Indias..., Antwerp: Johannes Steelsius (printer), Johannes De Laet (publisher), 1554 (Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexwoodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T19637]Francisco López de Gómara, La Historia General Delas Indias..., Antwerp: Johannes Steelsius (printer), Johannes De Laet (publisher), 1554 (Dallas, TX, DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexwoodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T6048]Gaius Iulius Caesar, Les Commentaires De Cesar Des Gverres De La Gavle ..., Blaise de Vigenère (translator), Paris: Nicolas Chesneau (printer), 1576 (Vienna, ÖNB)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexwoodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T84440]Tractat von baiden Sarmatien, Augsburg: Marx Wirsung (printer), Siegmund Grimm (printer), [after 12 April] 1518 (Cracow, MNK, BCzart)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexwoodcut, black letterpresspaper
[T84439]Maciej Miechowita, Historia delle due Sarmatie di Mattheo di Micheovo, Annibale Maggi (translator), Venice: Gabriele Giolito (printer), 1561 (Kórnik, BK PAN)printing: early printed bookset or complex object: bound volume: codexblack letterpresspaperbook decoration: illustration